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LRMoE Demo

A quick demo of the LRMoE Package in R

Real Data: Formatting and Initialization

Author: Spark Tseung

Last Modified: Sept 15, 2020


In this document, we will transform the cleaned data freMTPLClean (see here) into the required format by the LRMoE model. In addition, we will use the Clustered Method of Moments (CMM) to obtain some initialization of parameter values before fitting the models.

# Load previoucly cleaned data

Formatting Data

For illustration purposes, we will fit an LRMoE with one respose variable ClaimAmount only. The following code shows how to format input matrices Y and X required by the LRMoE package.

# Make Y matrix
sample.size = nrow(df)
Y = matrix( c(rep(0, sample.size),    # = tl.1
              df$ClaimAmount,     # = yl.1
              df$ClaimAmount,     # = tu.1
              rep(Inf, sample.size)   # = tu.1
           ncol = 4, byrow = FALSE)

# Make X matrix
X.continuous = cbind(df$CarAge, df$DriverAge)
X.power = model.matrix(~df$Power, data = df)     # Default Power  is 'd'
X.brand = model.matrix(~df$Brand, data = df)     # Default Brand  is 'Fiat'
X.gas = model.matrix(~df$Gas, data = df)         # Default Gas    is 'Diesel'
X.region = model.matrix(~df$Region, data = df)   # Default Region is 'Aquitaine'
X = matrix(cbind(rep(1, sample.size), # Intercept
                 X.continuous, X.power[,-1], X.brand[,-1], X.gas[,-1], X.region[,-1]),
           nrow = sample.size, byrow = FALSE)

colnames(X) = c("Intercept", "CarAge", "DriverAge",
                "Powere", "Powerf", "Powerg", "Powerh", "Poweri", "Powerj", 
                "Powerk", "Powerl", "Powerm", "Powern", "Powero",
                "BrandJK", "BrandMCB", "BrandOGF", "BrandOther", "BrandRNC", "BrandVAS",
                "RegionBN", "RegionB", "RegionC", "RegionHN", "RegionIF", 
                "RegionL", "RegionNPC", "RegionPL", "RegionPC")

We will save the data for the fitting procedures later.

save(X, file = "X.Rda")
save(Y, file = "Y.Rda")

Parameter Initialization

The LRMoE fitting function also requires initialization of n.comp (number of latent components), comp.dist (component distributions by dimension and by component), zero.init (zero inflation) and params.init (initialization of component distribution parameters).

Since component distributions included in LRMoE are all uni-modal, a good starting point is to observe the numbers of components is to count the number of peaks in the previous histogram of data. We will consider 3~6 latent components, each with 5 combinations of component distributions. For each case, we use k-means clustering and matching of moments to roughly choose initial parameters.

# Normalize data
X.norm = X

X.norm[,2] = # CarAge
  (X.norm[,2] - mean(X.norm[,2]))/sd(X.norm[,2])
X.norm[,3] = # DriverAge
  (X.norm[,3] - mean(X.norm[,3]))/sd(X.norm[,3])

The LRMoE package contains a Clustered Method of Moments initialization function which is used in conjunction of kmeans. We look at the 3-component case in detail and skip the rest.

3 Latent Components

set.seed(7777) # For reproducible results
n.comp = 3
norm.init.analysis.3 = LRMoE::CMMInit(Y, X.norm, n.comp, type = 'S') # 'S' is for Severity

The returned list norm.init.analysis.3 contains cluster proportion (of the entire population), zero inflation, summary statsitics and parameter initializations for all selection of component distributions. The user can then choose which distributions to use. As a general rule of thumb, initialization with very extreme parameter values should be avoided.

For example, the initialization of the first component is as follows.


## [[1]]
## [[1]]$cluster.prop
## [1] 0.3478111
## [[1]]$zero.prop
## [1] 0.9605602
## [[1]]$mean.pos
## [1] 1529.662
## [[1]]$var.pos
## [1] 14644842
## [[1]]$cv.pos
## [1] 2.501766
## [[1]]$skew.pos
## [1] 13.7302
## [[1]]$kurt.pos
## [1] 239.1563
## [[1]]$gamma.init
##        shape        scale 
##    0.1597741 9573.9051044 
## [[1]]$lnorm.init
##  meanlog    sdlog 
## 6.341693 1.407913 
## [[1]]$invgauss.init
##      mean     scale 
## 1529.6624  244.4005 
## [[1]]$weibull.init
##  shape.shape  scale.scale 
##    0.8998681 1425.7300782 
## [[1]]$burr.init
##      shape1      shape2       scale 
##    1.902993    1.627074 1596.197817 
## [[2]]
## [[2]]$cluster.prop
## [1] 0.2851368
## [[2]]$zero.prop
## [1] 0.960272
## [[2]]$mean.pos
## [1] 1728.664
## [[2]]$var.pos
## [1] 20164813
## [[2]]$cv.pos
## [1] 2.597685
## [[2]]$skew.pos
## [1] 12.47075
## [[2]]$kurt.pos
## [1] 192.4392
## [[2]]$gamma.init
##        shape        scale 
## 1.481928e-01 1.166497e+04 
## [[2]]$lnorm.init
##  meanlog    sdlog 
## 6.431389 1.430885 
## [[2]]$invgauss.init
##      mean     scale 
## 1728.6641  256.1755 
## [[2]]$weibull.init
##  shape.shape  scale.scale 
##    0.8815534 1579.7583737 
## [[2]]$burr.init
##      shape1      shape2       scale 
##    1.467644    1.778624 1379.839573 
## [[3]]
## [[3]]$cluster.prop
## [1] 0.3670521
## [[3]]$zero.prop
## [1] 0.9617825
## [[3]]$mean.pos
## [1] 1768.839
## [[3]]$var.pos
## [1] 17726686
## [[3]]$cv.pos
## [1] 2.380266
## [[3]]$skew.pos
## [1] 11.21977
## [[3]]$kurt.pos
## [1] 159.3387
## [[3]]$gamma.init
##        shape        scale 
## 1.765018e-01 1.002165e+04 
## [[3]]$lnorm.init
##  meanlog    sdlog 
## 6.529594 1.377305 
## [[3]]$invgauss.init
##      mean     scale 
## 1768.8391  312.2033 
## [[3]]$weibull.init
## shape.shape scale.scale 
##     0.86642  1600.22122 
## [[3]]$burr.init
##      shape1      shape2       scale 
##    1.527935    1.585007 1449.421882

4~6 Latent Components

set.seed(7777) # For reproducible results
n.comp = 4
norm.init.analysis.4 = LRMoE::CMMInit(Y, X.norm, n.comp, type = 'S')

set.seed(7777) # For reproducible results
n.comp = 5
norm.init.analysis.5 = LRMoE::CMMInit(Y, X.norm, n.comp, type = 'S')

set.seed(7777) # For reproducible results
n.comp = 6
norm.init.analysis.6 = LRMoE::CMMInit(Y, X.norm, n.comp, type = 'S')

We will save all initilizations for use in the next step.

save(norm.init.analysis.3, file = "RealDataInit3.Rda")
save(norm.init.analysis.4, file = "RealDataInit4.Rda")
save(norm.init.analysis.5, file = "RealDataInit5.Rda")
save(norm.init.analysis.6, file = "RealDataInit6.Rda")